As part of the ActaFi incentives program, the affiliate structures are presented for the users to be rewarded for their activity and usage of the ActaFi Protocol.
Initialize the affiliate program with a fixed supply of incentives that could be claimed by the users referring other users and validating their wallet addresses.
Join the affiliates program. Currently the possibility to join the affiliates program is only possible from an active referrral URL.
Generates a public referral link, that is linked to the public key of the wallet address, that can be distributed vis social channels.
Once the referral link is visited, the rewards associated with it in ACTA tokens can be claimed.
A full list of affiliates and affiliate trees can be retrieved showing the 1st / 2nd / 3rd level affiliates
A fixed percentage for each level of affiliates can be assigned that would be kicked back to the referred user.
Claim the accrued rewards from linked affiliates
Last updated