πŸ“„Protocol Overview

ActaFi Protocol

Solidity Smart Contracts and deployment focused on Avalanche network

Main Commands

  • yarn lint - check formatting issues

  • yarn fix:sol - automatically prettify Solidity

  • yarn fix:ts - automatically prettify Typescript

  • yarn solhint - Solidity hinter with tips to improve code

  • npx hardhat test or yarn test - Runs mocha tests

  • npx hardhat compile or yarn compile - Compiles the entire project, building all artifacts

  • npx hardhat clean or yarn clean - Clears the cache and deletes all artifacts

  • npx hardhat typechain - Generate Typechain typings for compiled contracts

  • npx hardhat coverage or yarn coverage - Generates a code coverage report for tests

  • npx hardhat acccounts - Prints the list of accounts

  • npx hardhat balances - Prints the list of AVAX account balances

  • npx hardhat deploy - Deploys Smart Contracts

  • npx hardhat docgen or yarn docgen - generate documentation from Solidity comments

  • npx hardhat init:pools - Initialises liquidity pools

  • npx hardhat check - Check whatever you need

  • npx hardhat console - Opens a hardhat console

  • npx hardhat flatten - Flattens and prints contracts and their dependencies

  • npx hardhat help - Prints this message

  • npx hardhat node - Starts a JSON-RPC server on top of Hardhat Network

  • npx hardhat run - Runs a user-defined script after compiling the project

  • npx hardhat token - Deploy test token

Last updated